PROSPRA Technique for Disease Recovery

Disease recovery should be as straightforward as:

  1. Tell your doctor
  2. Take any tests required
  3. Start the treatment
  4. Get better

So you don’t need to plan that.

But what if your disease is more complicated. Maybe you’re reluctant to take meds. Perhaps worried by side effects. Or friends opinions about different treatments have confused you. Whatever the reason, I’m going to work through an example of a basic PROSPRA template for disease recovery.

Now this has to be a basic template. Because every disease has different treatment stages. Also doctors often have different strategies they always use. Most importantly, every patient has different goals and reactions. So this cannot be a treatment plan for a specific disease. Instead, it is a 7-step procedure for you to start a realistic dialog with your doctor. Usually required after years of failed recovery attempts. Or a starting point if you get a shock diagnosis.

continue reading PROSPRA Technique for Disease Recovery

Maintain PROSPRA in a Spreadsheet

This follows Starting PROSPRA in a Spreadsheet. So first look at that to understand why I use spreadsheets for many PROSPRA projects. More importantly, see the important principles for starting a PROSPRA spreadsheet.

If you cannot see how PROSPRA will help, please let me know. I realize that it is too simple for complex projects with many inter-related activities. For other projects, I’d love to help you manage your activities more efficiently.

It’s best to learn by doing, so here is how to maintain PROSPRA projects in a spreadsheet.

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Starting PROSPRA in a Spreadsheet

Spreadsheets are a great tool for arranging activities.

I use them on a daily basis to manage activities for several projects. My job is creating websites, but the principles apply to any job. The purpose is clear – organize a list of tasks, ensuring they are completed when required, and maintain a history so completed tasks can be reviewed if necessary.

Spreadsheets are also a great tool for explaining the principles of PROSPRA.

Today, I am going to start a small series about PROSPRA principles in spreadsheets. So I will explain how to get started here. Then in the next installment, I will explain the important steps involved in simple project management. Finally, I will conclude with some ideas for combining multiple projects in a single management spreadsheet.

Continue reading Starting PROSPRA in a Spreadsheet