How will you arrange your activities?

PROSPRA Activity Arranger Progress

Almost 5 years ago I reported on PROSPRA Projects Progress. Since then, I’ve been refining my techniques, applying PROSPRA to more activities, and finally started to publish templates.

That last point is particularly important to me. Because PROSPRA is a practical tool. So it’s much easier to explain it with examples of practical applications. Though it always will be a general purpose technique for:

Arranging a one-off set of activities to be done logically.
Scheduling a repeating series of activities more efficiently.

However, I want to explain how PROSPRA adapts itself to different types of activities. So my templates will cover:

  • Question and Answer activities
  • Resolving issues and concerns
  • Researching solutions for problems
  • Improving common tasks

Which leads me to explaining how I’m changing my emphasis on tasks.

Task Manager becomes Activity Arranger

We all have our tasks to do. So anything that helps us manage those tasks is welcome. Which is exactly why I developed PROSPRA for myself. But I’ve found that describing PROSPRA as a task manager is confusing. Since that term is commonly applied to tools for managing computer tasks.

So I’ve adopted the term “Activity Arranger” as this more accurately describes what PROSPRA does. Though I did think about “Activities Arranger”. But in the end, I chose the singular option. Mainly because PROSPRA is aimed at individuals rather than teams. So you can only complete one activity at once.

How will you arrange your activities?

My PROSPRA Activity Arranger Progress

Now, I need to review all the content here to ensure it fits with my new name.

Note, this might take some time. As I still want to prioritize new templates. Also, I think the existing content still works with tasks instead of activities and manager instead of arranger. But if you spot something that doesn’t make sense, please let me know.

Which leads me to…

Your PROSPRA Activity Arranger Progress

Are you unsure how PROSPRA can help you? Then please send me feedback on the form below. Ask me a question, or describe a problem that you are struggling to find a solution to. Then I’ll explain how to apply PROSPRA to that issue.

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Published by

Keith Taylor

I am the owner of this website, which is part of my Keith Charlie Taylor Internet Community. My Community Profiles are:Keith at GoutPal Gout Help.Full bio, and more, at Keith Taylor Internet Help Stories. Get in touch:Contact: Contact Keith Taylor Facebook: LinkedIn: LinkedIn Keith Taylor Twitter: